45.5" x 39"
Oil on Canvas
4th Infantry Division – 1966
Chaplain (1st Lieutenant) Martin M. Feinsod – New York City
Chaplain (Captain) Max W. Wilk – Holyoke, Colorado
Chaplain (Lt. Colonel) William R. Hett – Butternut, Wisconsin
Chaplain (Major) John C. Brady – San Francisco, California
Major General Arthur S. Collins, Jr.,
Commanding General of the 4th Infantry Division,
stated in an orientation to troops:
"Our Chaplains are a group of fine men
dedicated to serving the members of the armed forces.
They represent your home churches and synagogues.
You will find them available at all times in the field or in the garrison.
I invite you to become well acquainted with them."
General Collins emphasized that the Army Chaplain's duties are
wherever the men are, in a comfortable garrison
or in vermin-infested swamps of the battlefield,
to fulfill their mission to bring God to men, and men to God.
The scene in this painting represents a critical situation
in which preparations are being made for a fast move.
The Division Chaplain has arrived at a brigade compound
to give directions to the new location.
The brigade compound and surrounding area are the scene of intense
and last-minute checking of plans. The day is windy and cold.
The Chaplains portrayed – Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist and Catholic ,
are wearing the vestments of their particular faiths, indicating that they
recently completed religious services.
Every Chaplain, whatever his own affiliation, is versed in, and permitted
to give
the rites and sacraments of all other Chaplains, as there may occasionally
fewer Chaplains than needed in a given area.
The Chaplains perform innumerable humanitarian services
for the men in their commands.